
Class charm median xl
Class charm median xl

Your targets are the Ennead Necromancers spread out around town. The necromantic army is tended to by a contingent of Ennead Necromancers.

class charm median xl

Around the town square you will find the Ennead shadowgate totems, which periodically raise additional skeletons and emit a magical field that grants invulnerability to nearby units. The town is well defended by armies of skeletons undead. Can you destroy the magical fortifications and liberate the town? Kurast, a neutral town allied with the Taan, was seized by the Ennead and used as a necromantic military outpost. This uberlevel is a recreation of the city of Kurast located at the Kehjistani frontier, 3000 years before the birth of the prophet Akarat and during the Mage Clan Wars between the Ennead, Annuit and Vizjerei clans. Your reward on Destruction difficulty is a unique charm!

class charm median xl class charm median xl

The ultimate challenge of Median XL, these levels are much harder than any regular level and will challenge even the strongest heroes.

Class charm median xl